This Cheesy Pasta with Summer Veggies recipe from the University of Maine Extension is a light, flavorful dish that pairs tender pasta with fresh, seasonal vegetables and a creamy cheese sauce.
Course Main Course
Keyword Bell Peppers, Cherry Tomatoes, Italian Seasoning, Mixed Vegetables, Mozzarella Cheese, Olive Oil, Parmesan Cheese, Salt, Whole Wheat Pasta
Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain water from cooked pasta and save 1⁄4 cup of water.
Heat oil in a large skillet as pasta cooks. Add garlic and onion to skillet. Sauté over medium heat about 1-2 minutes or until soft.
Add any uncooked hard vegetables and cook for 3 minutes. Add soft vegetables and continue to cook. Add Italian seasoning, salt and pepper. Add tomatoes last and cook until warm.
Add cooked drained pasta to the vegetables. Add a little of the water from the pasta, if needed.
Add cheeses to mixture. Stir until cheese is mostly melted. Serve immediately.
Pasta and cheese may help picky eaters enjoy vegetables. Vary the flavors and colors.
Add protein to this dish by stirring in cooked beans, meat or fish.
Use thawed frozen vegetables in this recipe.
Keep pasta on hand and use when you have extra vegetables.
Use this recipe for a quick, delicious, and nutritious meal.