5 Easy Steps to Start Meal Planning

Taking time to plan out your meals is an efficient way to have healthy, balanced meals. Here are a few tips and recipe ideas to make the process easier.
Step 1: Choose A Day to Plan
Choose a day to plan out the week ahead of time. Browse through your calendar to see what your family’s week looks like.
Step 2: Eat What You Already Have
Take inventory of everything in your refrigerator, freezer, and pantry. Build meals around items on hand.
Step 3: Include Sale Items in Meals
Locate sales and purchase items to incorporate in recipes or to eat as snacks. Utilize websites and grocery store flyers to see what is on sale near you. If something is a good deal that you typically purchase, you can stock up and freeze for later.
Step 4: Map Out Your Meals
Start by finding recipes with similar ingredients and group by overlapping items. Consider the time that it will take to prepare each meal. Keep a list of family favorites or “master list” and use it as a guide for planning future meals.
Step 5: List Out the Ingredients
The last step to meal planning is to make a list of the ingredients you will need to make each meal. Doing so helps you from buying unnecessary items.